Tax Consultant Services

Enhancing a shareholder's value is a fundamental concept that drives every management effort in the modern business environment. Progressive and bottom-line focused management have realized that taxes (both direct and indirect, domestic and international), should be viewed as a dynamic item of cost rather than a passive charge on the profits. Indeed, effective tax-cost management provides a distinct competitive advantage. This requires the application of appropriate tax strategies proactively identified and surgically implemented.

At VPRA, we provide comprehensive tax consultant services. We have developed a total tax management capability which encompasses the entire spectrum of direct, indirect, and personal taxes. Every entity wants to develop a sound tax strategy mainly to retain a competitive edge as well as to stay compliant with the ever-changing legal and taxation systems. Taxes have an important bearing on the operations, commercial arrangements, and profitability of any enterprise. We provide tax advisory services as well as litigation support services to a varied clientele- comprising Corporates, Non Corporates, High-Net-worth Individuals, Micro, Small, medium and large businesses, Indian Companies and multinational groups. Besides regular tax consultant services, we also provide transaction advisory services for entities engaged in international transactions. We keep clients aware of the developments that may affect their businesses.

How V P R A Can Help You / Your Entity

Tax Consultant in Tamil Nadu

Tax Planning

Careful tax planning is critical for business success in an unpredictable global economy. Tax planning is also necessary for individuals who face their challenges owning, managing and preserving businesses and wealth in a complex regulatory environment.

At VPRA, our team of professional tax consultants blend technology and business acumen to focus on consistency, compliance and the organization’s strategic objectives in both Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes to increase the value of all the Stakeholders Our goal is to minimize your business and personal tax exposure using legitimate planning and keeping you aware of the changing requirements of the taxation system in India and abroad.

Tax Planning

Careful tax planning is critical for business success in an unpredictable global economy. Tax planning is also necessary for individuals who face their challenges owning, managing and preserving businesses and wealth in a complex regulatory environment.

At VPRA, our team of professional tax consultants blend technology and business acumen to focus on consistency, compliance and the organization’s strategic objectives in both Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes to increase the value of all the Stakeholders Our goal is to minimize your business and personal tax exposure using legitimate planning and keeping you aware of the changing requirements of the taxation system in India and abroad.

Direct Tax

As part of the concurrent audit, we verify compliance to various requirements of the RBI regulations including KYC norms, AML Guidelines compliance with systems and controls and documentation. Our approach is from a systemic perspective and we identify potential non-performing assets with suggested mitigation measures.

Indirect Tax

While indirect tax is a part of everyday life in most countries, the rise of new technologies and expanding global trade adds additional layers of complexity.We help you deal effectively with Goods and Service Tax (GST), Central Excise Duty, Customs Duty and Value Added Tax (VAT). We can help you meet your compliance obligations and business goals. Our range of services includes

  • Return filing
  • Audits
  • Registration
  • Consultancy
  • Refunds
  • Assessment and Appeal
  • Compliance and Litigations